Hashicorp Vault + Vault Secret Operator + GCP for imagePullSecrets


The need for this mix of buzz words is for a very specific use case. For all of my production hosting I use Google Cloud. For my local environment its podman+kind provisioned by Terraform.

Usually to load container images I will build them locally and push into kind. I do this to alleviate the requirement of an internet connection to do my work. But it got my thinking, if I wanted to, couldn’t I just pull from my us.gcr.io private repository?

Sure – I could load a static key in place but I’d likely forget and that could be an attack vector for compromise. I decided to play with Vault to see if I could accomplish this. Spoiler, you can but there aren’t great instructions for it!

Why Vault?

There are a great many articles on why Vault or a secret manager is a great idea. What it comes down to is minimizing the time a credential is valid and to do that using more short lived credentials so if it gets compromised, the longevity of that compromise will be minimized.

Vault Setup

I will not go into full details on the setup but Vault was deployed via helm chart into the K8s cluster and using this guide from HashiCorp to enable gcp secrets

Your gcpbindings.hcl will need to look something like this at a minimum. You likely don’t need the roles/viewer.

 resource "//cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com/projects/woohoo-blog-2414" {
        roles = ["roles/viewer", "roles/artifactregistry.reader"]

For the roleset, I called mine “app-token” which you will see later.

The values I used for vault’s helm chart were simply as follows because I don’t need the injector and I don’t think it would even work for what we’re trying to do.

#vault values.yaml
  enabled: "false"

For the Vault Secret Operator it was simply these values as vault was installed in the default namespace. I did this for simplicity just to get it up and running. A lot of the steps I will share ARE NOT BEST PRACTICES but will help you get it up quickly and then be able to learn best practices. This includes disabling client caching and encryption on the storage (which is a default BUT NOT BEST PRACTICE). Ideally client caching is enabled to have near zero downtime upgrades and therefore encrypting the cache in transit and at rest.

  enabled: true
  address: "http://vault.default.svc.cluster.local:8200"
  skipTLSVerify: false

Vault Operator CRDs

First we will start with a VaultConnection and Vault Auth. This is how the Operator will connect with vault.

apiVersion: secrets.hashicorp.com/v1beta1
kind: VaultConnection
  name: vault-connection
  namespace: default
  # required configuration
  # address to the Vault server.
  address: http://vault.default.svc.cluster.local:8200
apiVersion: secrets.hashicorp.com/v1beta1
kind: VaultAuth
  name: static-auth
  namespace: default
  vaultConnectionRef: vault-connection
  method: kubernetes
  mount: kubernetes
    role: test
    serviceAccount: default

The test role attaches to a policy called test policy that looks like this

path "gcp/roleset/*" {
    capabilities = ["read"]

This allows us to read the “gcp/roleset/app-token/token” path. Above should likely be more specific such as “gcp/roleset/app-token/+” to lock it down to specific tokens wanting to be read.

All of this to get us to the VaultStaticSecret CRD.

apiVersion: secrets.hashicorp.com/v1beta1
kind: VaultStaticSecret
    imageRepository: us.gcr.io
  name: vso-gcr-imagepullref
  # This is important, otherwise it will try to pull from gcp/data/roleset
  type: kv-v1

  # mount path
  mount: gcp

  # path of the secret
  path: roleset/app-token/token

  # dest k8s secret
    name: gcr-imagepullref
    create: true
    type: kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson
    #type: Opaque
      excludeRaw: true
        - .*
          text: |
            {{- $hostname := .Annotations.imageRepository -}}
            {{- $token := .Secrets.token -}}
            {{- $login := printf "oauth2accesstoken:%s" $token | b64enc -}}
            {{- $auth := dict "auth" $login -}}
            {{- dict "auths" (dict $hostname $auth) | mustToJson -}}

  # static secret refresh interval
  refreshAfter: 30s

  # Name of the CRD to authenticate to Vault
  vaultAuthRef: static-auth

The bulk of this is in the transformation.templates section. This is the magic. We can easily pull the token but its not in a format that Kubernetes would understand and use. Most of the template is to format correctly the mirror the dockerconfigjson format.

To make it more clear, we use an annotation to store the repository hostname.

Incase the template text is a little confusing, a more readable version of this template text section would be as follows.

{{- $hostname := "us.gcr.io" -}}
{{- $token := .Secrets.token -}}
{{- $login := printf "oauth2accesstoken:%s" $token | b64enc -}}
  "auths": {
    "{{ $hostname}}": {
      "auth": "{{ $login }}"

Apply the manifest and if all went well you should have a secret named “gcr-imagepullref” which you can use in your “imagePullSecrets” section of the manifest.

In Closing

In closing, we leveraged gcp secrets engine and kubernetes auth to attain time limited OAuth tokens and inject into a secret to use for pulling images from a private repository. There are a number of times you may want to do something like this such as when you’re multicloud but want to utilize one repository or have on-premise clusters but want to use your cloud repository. Instead of just pulling a long lived key, this will be more secure and minimize attack vector.

Following some of the best practices will also help that as well such as limiting the scope of roles and ACLs and enabling encryption on the storage and transmission of the data.

For more on the transformation templating, you can go here.

Mozilla SOPS To Protect My cloudflared Secrets In Kubernetes


Aren’t these titles getting ridiculous? When talking about some of these stacks, you need a laundry list of names to drop. In this case I was working on publishing my CloudFlare Tunnels FTW work that houses my kind lab into my public GitHub Repository. I wanted to tie in FluxCD to it and essentially be able to easily blow away the cluster and recreate with secrets all through FluxCD.

I was able to successfully achieve that with all but the private key which needs to be manually loaded into the cluster so it can decrypt the sensitive information.

Why Do We Care About This?

While trying to go fully GitOps for Kubernetes, everything is stored in a Git Repository. This makes change management extremely simple and reduces complexities of compliance. Things like policy bots can automate change approval processes and document. But generally everything in Git is clear text.

Sure, there are private repositories but do all the the developers that work on the project need to read sensitive records like passwords for that project? Its best that they don’t and as a developer you really don’t want that responsibility!

Mozilla SOPS To The Rescue!

Mozilla SOPS is very well documented. In my case I’m using Flux which also has great documentation. For my lab, this work is focusing on “cluster3” which simply deploys my https://www.woohoosvcs.com and https://tools.woohoosvcs.com in my kind lab for local testing before pushing out to production.

Create Key with Age

Age appears to be the preferred encryption tool to use right now. It is pretty simple to use and going by the flux documentation we simply need to run

age-keygen -o age.agekey

This will create a file that contains both the public and private key. The public key will be in the comment and the command line will output the public key. We will need the private key later to add as a secret manually to decrypt. I’m sure there are ways of getting this into the cluster securely but for this blog article this is the only thing done outside of GitOps.

Let’s Get To the Details!

With Flux I have a bootstrap script to load flux into the environment. I also have a generate_cluster3.sh script that creates the yaml.

The pertinent lines to add to it above the standard are the following. The first line indicates that sops is a decryption provider. The second indicates the name of the secret to be stored. Flux requires this to be in the flux-system namespace

    --decryption-provider=sops \
    --decryption-secret=sops-age \

From there you simpley need to run the bootstrap_cluster3.sh which just loads the yaml manifests for flux. With flux you can do this on the command line but I preferred to have this generation and bootstrapping in Git. As you want to upgrade flux there’s also a upgrade_cluster3.sh script that is really a one liner.

flux install --export > ./clusters/cluster3/flux-system/gotk-components.yaml

This will update the components. If you’re already bootstrapped and running flux, you can run this and commit to push out the upgrades to use flux to upgrade itself!

In the root of the cluster3 folder I have .sops.yaml. This tells the kustomization module in flux what to decrypt and which public key to use.

Loading Private Key Via Secret

Once you have run the bootstrap_cluster3.sh you can then load the private key via

cat age.agekey | kubectl create secret generic sops-age \
  --namespace=flux-system --from-file=age.agekey=/dev/stdin


This lab won’t work for you out of the box. This is because it requires a few confidential details

  1. My cloudflared secret is encrypted with my public key. You do not have my private key so you cannot load it into your cluster to decrypt it
  2. I have some private applications I am pushing into my kind cluster. You will have to clone and modify for your needs

Local Kubernetes Lab – The Easy Way With podman and kind


In a few articles, I’ve shared how to provision your own local Kubernetes (K8s) lab using VMs. Over the years this has simplified from Intro To Kubernetes to Spinning Up Kubernetes Easily with kubeadm init!. With modern tools, many of us do not need to manage our own VMs.

These days there are many options but one of my favorites is kind. To use kind, you need either Docker Desktop or Podman Desktop.

Podman is quickly becoming a favorite because instead of the monolithic architecture of Docker Desktop, Podman is broken out a bit and the licensing may be more appeasable to people.


Installing Podman is relatively easy. Just navigate to https://podman.io and download the installer for your platform. Once installed you will need to provision a Podman Machine. The back end depends on your platform. Windows will use WSL2 if available. MacOS will use a qemu VM. This is nicely abstracted.

Installing kind is very easy. Depending on your platform you may opt for a package manager. I use brew so its a simple

brew install kind

The site https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/docs/user/quick-start/#installation goes through all the options.

Provisioning the Cluster

Once these two dependencies are in play its a simple case of

kind create cluster

The defaults are enough to get you a control plane that is able to schedule workloads. There are custom options such as specific K8s version and multiple control plans and worker nodes to more properly lab up a production environment.

kind create cluster

From here we should be good to go. Kind will provision the node and set up your KUBECONFIG to select the cluster.

As a quick validation we’ll run the recommended command.

We can see success and we’re able to apply manifests as we would expect. We have a working K8s instance for local testing.

Extending Functionality

In IaC & GitOps – Better Together we talked about GitOps. From here we can apply that GitOps repo if we wanted to.

We can clone the specific tag for this post and run the bootstrap

git clone https://github.com/dchapman992000/k8-fcos-gitops.git --branch postid_838 --single-branch

cd k8-fcos-gitops


# We can check the status with the following until ingress-nginx is ready
kubectl get pods -A

# From there, check helm
helm ls -A

And here we are. A local testing cluster we stood up and is controlled by GitOps. Once flux was bootstrapped it pulled down and installed the nginx ingress controller.

IaC & GitOps – Better Together


Building on the prior article of Fedora CoreOS + Ansible => K8s we want complete Infrastructure As Code. The newest way of doing this is GitOps where nearly everything is controlled by SCM. For that, flux is one of my favorites but Argo will also work.

The benefit of GitOps and K8s is that developers can have complete but indirect access to various environments. This makes it really easy for a DevOps team to provision the tooling very easily to either spin up environments effortlessly or let the developers do it themselves. That helps us get close to Platform Engineering.

Flux GitOps Repo

For this article, this is the tagged version of the GitOps repo used. At its core, we manually generated the yaml manifests via scripts commands. Namely upgrade_cluster1.sh and generate_cluster1.sh. Combined these create the yaml manifests needed. Upgrade cluster can be run to refresh the yaml during an upgrade but do not let it trick you. It can also be used to generate the initial component yaml. The generate_cluster1.sh should only need to be run once.

The bootstrap_cluster1.sh is used by our ansible playbook to actually apply the yaml.

Bootstrapping Flux

The flux cli has a bootstrap command that can be used but for this, we want disposable K8s clusters that can be torn down and then new ones rebuilt and attached to the same repo. Not only does this allow the workloads running to be treated like cattle but also the infrastructure itself.

To achieve this, we are manually creating the yaml manifests (still using the supported CLI tools) but decoupling that from the initial setup, deploy and running of the environment.

What Did We Get?

From a simple set of changes to pull and deploy flux, we have a sample ingress controller (nginx). In it you can specify any parameter about it and have clear visibility as to what is deployed. In this scenario we are just specifying the version but we could also specify how many instances or whether to deploy via daemonset (one instance per worker node).

Wrapping It All Up – What Is The Big Deal?

It might be a natural question as to what is the big deal about K8s, IaC, GitOps and this entire ecosystem. True IaC combined with GitOps allows complete transparency into what is deployed into production because flux ensures what is in Git is reconciled with the configured cluster. No more, one off configurations that nobody knows about until upgrade to replacement time on the server.

The fact that we have so much automation allows for tearing down and rebuilding as necessary. This allows for easy patching. Instead of applying updates and hoping for the best, just instantiate new instances and tear down the old ones.

Fedora CoreOS + Ansible => K8s


Kubernetes is a personal passion of mine and I have written a few times about how to standup one of my favorite Container Optimized Operating Systems, PhotonOS. Most recently I wanted to rebuild my lab because it has been a while. While some of my prior posts have served as a Standard Operating Procedure for how to do it, its lost its luster doing it manually.

Because of this, I sought out to automate the deployment of PhotonOS with Ansible. Having already learned and written about SaltStack, I wanted to tool around with Ansible. I thought, great, Photon is highly orchestrated by VMware, this should be simple.

Unfortunately PhotonOS 5 does not work well with Ansible, namely due to the package manager.

Container Optimized Operating Systems

In my search for one that did work well with Ansible, I came across a few. Flatcar was the first. It seemed to have plenty of options. I think came across Fedora CoreOS. These seem to be two of many forks of an older “CoreOS” distribution. Since Ansible and Fedora fall under the RedHat umbrella, I went with FCOS.

The interesting thing about Flatcar and CoreOS is that they use Ignition (and Butane) for bootstrapping. This allows for first time boot provisioning. This is the primary method for adding authentication such as ssh keys.

My Lab

My lab consists of VMware Fusion since I’m on a Mac. For that a lot of my steps are specific to that but I attempted to make them generic enough so that it could be modified for your environment.

Here is my full repo on this – https://github.com/dchapman992000/k8-fcos/tree/postid_822

Setting up Ignition

To help ensure your ssh keys are put into the environment, you’ll need to update butane with the appropriate details. Particularly the section “ssh_authorized_keys”

Butane is a yaml based format that is designed to be human read/writable. Ignition is designed to be human readable but not easily writable. For that reason, we use a conversion tool to help.

docker run -i --rm quay.io/coreos/butane:release --pretty --strict < ignition/butane.yaml > ignition/ignition.json

Don’t worry, this is baked into the ovf.sh script

Instantiating the OVF

The first step was acquiring the OVA template (Open Virtual Appliance). On https://fedoraproject.org/coreos/download?stream=stable#arches that would be over here!

For this I scripted it via ovf.sh that instantiates it for a given number of instances. As documented, its 2 nodes, fcos-node01 and fcos-node02

Once they are done and powered one, along with a 45 second pause/sleep, we’re good to run Ansible and get the cluster going.

Running Ansible

Because I can be lazy, I created a shell script called k8s-fcos-playbook.sh that runs the playbook. At this point, sit back and enjoy the wait.

If all goes well you’ll have a list of pods up and running successfully and a bare bones cluster.

kubectl get pods -A

Concluding thoughts

While I did not go specifically into Ansible and the details, it is a public repository and written in a fairly self explanatory way. It’s not the best or most modular but is easy to follow.

Special Thanks!

A special thanks to Péter Vámos and his repository on doing this similarly. He gave me some great ideas, although some of it I went in a different direction.

Bootstrapping a CA for Kubernetes


The purpose of this article is to walk through bootstrapping a CA for Kubernetes clusters for use in the ingresses and other possible needs like a private docker repository. For this we will use https://cert-manager.io. We will assume you have an operational K8 cluster/node but if not check out https://blog.woohoosvcs.com/2023/06/photon-os-5-0-kubernetes-1-25/ on how to do that.

Use Case

A really good use case for this is when you want to use self-signed certificates in your lab but want the browser to trust it. For certificates to work, they require FQDNs. One could certainly have host file entries for every endpoint they need but I recently came across a more elegant solution “localdev.me”. This was referenced in a few places but namely https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx/deploy/

The beauty of localdev.me is that any subdomain resolves to so you can easily run

kubectl port-forward svc/ingress-nginx-controller -n ingress-nginx 443:443

To forward all of your ingresses to localhost. Its a neat trick and in today’s world we want to test TLS encryption using HTTPS.


For this, we simply need to install cert-manager. There are two main ways. kubectl apply or using the Helm Chart. If you’re not familiar with Helm, please go down that rabbit hole. For this we’ll assume you are just running kubectl apply.


kubectl apply -f https://github.com/cert-manager/cert-manager/releases/download/v1.12.0/cert-manager.yaml

With any luck you will have some cert-manager related pods running

% kubectl get pods -n cert-manager
NAME                                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
cert-manager-559b5d5b7d-tq7rt             1/1     Running   0          29s
cert-manager-cainjector-f5c6565d4-vv652   1/1     Running   0          29s
cert-manager-webhook-5f44bc85f4-qkg7s     1/1     Running   0          29s

What Next?

Cert-Manager is a fairly extensible framework. It can connect to ACME compatible authorities to request and process certificate creation and renewals but for this we will be using two other configurations for it. We will be using the “CA” ClusterIssuer. In order to bootstrap a CA though we also have to use the “SelfSigned” Issuer.

Show Me the YAML

At the beginning is a Self signed issuer. What this means in our case is that the certificate’s common name matches the issuer name. You will find this in any public certificate authority root as well. There are two types of “issuers” in cert-manager. An “Issuer” which is namespaced and can only issue for that namespace and a “ClusterIssuer” which can issue for the cluster. For labs I like to use ClusterIssuers so do not need to have multiple issuers.

Certificates are namespaced though. My preference is to have a wildcard certificate in each namespace but you can also have the ingress request certificates.

No – Really Show Me the YAML!

apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
kind: ClusterIssuer
  name: selfsigned-issuer
  selfSigned: {}

Here we have a simple self-signed issuer. An Issuer is just a construct to issuer certificates. We still need to create the CA Certificate.

apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
kind: Certificate
  name: my-selfsigned-ca
  namespace: cert-manager
  isCA: true
  commonName: my-selfsigned-ca
  duration: 43800h
  secretName: root-secret
    algorithm: ECDSA
    size: 256
    name: selfsigned-issuer
    kind: ClusterIssuer
    group: cert-manager.io

Here we are requesting a root certificate that will expire in 5 years. We can’t swap these out too regularly because its a pain getting our OS and other tools to trust them. In the issuerRef we see the self-signed-issuer referenced with many other attributes we’ll use later.

Then we need to create a cluster issuer for the certificates we want to issue. We tell it to use the ca root-secret for the chain.

apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
kind: ClusterIssuer
  name: my-ca-cluster-issuer
  namespace: cert-manager
    secretName: root-secret 

Next we will issue a certificate in a namespace that will chain off the self-signed root. It is namespaced to the sandbox namespace. They will expire after 90 days and renew 15 days before expiration.

Make sure to create the sandbox namespace first if you want to use this or change it to the namespace you want.

apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
kind: Certificate
  name: localdev-me
  namespace: sandbox
  # Secret names are always required.
  secretName: localdev-me-tls

  # Secret template is optional. If set, these annotations
  # and labels will be copied to the secret named example-com-tls.

  # Note: Labels and annotations from the template are only synced to the Secret at the time when the certificate 
  # is created or renewed. Currently labels and annotations can only be added, but not removed. Removing any 
  # labels or annotations from the template or removing the template itself will have no effect.
  # See https://github.com/cert-manager/cert-manager/issues/4292.
      my-secret-annotation-1: "foo"
      my-secret-annotation-2: "bar"
      my-secret-label: foo

  duration: 2160h # 90d
  renewBefore: 360h # 15d
      - Woohoo Services
  # The use of the common name field has been deprecated since 2000 and is
  # discouraged from being used.
  commonName: localdev.me
  isCA: false
    algorithm: RSA
    encoding: PKCS1
    size: 2048
    - server auth
    - client auth
  # At least one of a DNS Name, URI, or IP address is required.
    - localdev.me
    - "*.localdev.me"
  # Issuer references are always required.
    name: my-ca-cluster-issuer
    # We can reference ClusterIssuers by changing the kind here.
    # The default value is Issuer (i.e. a locally namespaced Issuer)
    kind: ClusterIssuer
    # This is optional since cert-manager will default to this value however
    # if you are using an external issuer, change this to that issuer group.
    group: cert-manager.io

We now have a wildcard certificate for use in the sandbox namespace

% kubectl get secret/localdev-me-tls -n sandbox -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
  ca.crt: XXXXX
  tls.crt: XXXXX
  tls.key: XXXXX
kind: Secret
    cert-manager.io/alt-names: localdev.me,*.localdev.me
    cert-manager.io/certificate-name: localdev-me
    cert-manager.io/common-name: localdev.me
    cert-manager.io/ip-sans: ""
    cert-manager.io/issuer-group: cert-manager.io
    cert-manager.io/issuer-kind: ClusterIssuer
    cert-manager.io/issuer-name: my-ca-cluster-issuer
    cert-manager.io/subject-organizations: Woohoo Services
    cert-manager.io/uri-sans: ""
    my-secret-annotation-1: foo
    my-secret-annotation-2: bar
  creationTimestamp: "2023-06-25T19:20:05Z"
    controller.cert-manager.io/fao: "true"
    my-secret-label: foo
  name: localdev-me-tls
  namespace: sandbox
  resourceVersion: "3711"
  uid: 3fcca4e2-2918-486c-b191-e10bd585259e
type: kubernetes.io/tls

Where is the Trust?

You may be wondering, great but how do I get my browser to trust this? You’re right, this is essentially an untrusted certificate chain. We need to base64decode the ca.crt section and then import it into a few places. The most important is your OS/browser so that it trusts the root.

On MacOS you’ll use keychain to import and set the trust on it to allow it much like this article – https://tosbourn.com/getting-os-x-to-trust-self-signed-ssl-certificates/

On Windows it will look closer to https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/windows-server-essentials-and/installing-a-self-signed-certificate-as-a-trusted-root-ca-in/ba-p/396105

There may be cases where you need your Kubernetes cluster to trust it as well. That will depend on your distribution but for Photon running a stock K8 distribution its fairly trivial.

You’ll simply put a copy in /etc/ssl/certs/ using a unique name. You will need “openssl-c_rehash” as mentioned in https://github.com/vmware/photon/issues/592 to be able to get the OS to trust it.

You will also want to add the PEM to /etc/docker/certs.d/ so that docker itself (or containerd) trusts it. You will need to restart docker/containerd to get it to accept the cert though. The use case for this is that if you want to mount the certificate in the private repository doing something like this you can. In this case the kubelet on the kubernetes node will call docker/containerd and that will need to trust the certificate.

      - name: localdev-me-tls
          secretName: localdev-me-tls
        - image: registry:2
          name: private-repository-k8s
          imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
            value: "/certs/tls.crt"
          - name: REGISTRY_HTTP_TLS_KEY
            value: "/certs/tls.key"
          - name: localdev-me-tls
            mountPath: /certs

Final Words

There you have it. A cluster wide CA that you can have your K8 nodes and local machine trust for TLS encryption. Once setup in this manner it makes it easy and portable to using something like letsencrypt when going to production because most of the framework and configuration is there and has been tested.

Photon OS 5.0 & Kubernetes 1.25


It is 2023 and a lot has changed since my prior Photon OS and Kubernetes posts. Some things have become much easier but also things have changed such as the migration from docker/dockershim to containerd.


Installation is as simple as ever. It requires having the ISO and installing. It will require that you navigate to https://github.com/vmware/photon/wiki/Downloading-Photon-OS and download 5.0 (full or minimal).

For the VM specifications, you will need at least 2 cores to run the control plane. I set my lab up with 2 cores, 4GB RAM and 30GB HDD.

My local fusion defaults to an IDE for the CD/DVD and Photon OS 5.0 does not do well with that and recommends changing it to SATA.

After boot into the ISO, just a few simple questions and we’re off! For my lab I’m naming it KUBELAB

Once booted, I prefer to access via SSH and since only a root user has been provisioned I will allow root logins via ssh by editing /etc/ssh/sshd_config

That’s it, we’re installed!

Setting up Dependencies

Instead of using the Photon OS Kubernetes packages, we’ll be using the Google ones. They provide better granularity which is required for upgrades. Instructions for adding them are https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/production-environment/tools/kubeadm/install-kubeadm/

In particular we want to do the following

cat <<EOF | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/kubernetes.repo
exclude=kubelet kubeadm kubectl

Since Photon OS uses tdnf, we’ll want to install via

# Install 1.25.11-0 of Kubernetes!
tdnf install kubeadm-1.25.11-0 kubectl-1.25.11-0 kubelet-1.25.11-0 cri-tools-1.25.0-0

For this, we’re choosing 1.25.11-0 as I’ve exhaustively tested it for the series I am doing. Once installed, we want to disable the /etc/yum.repos.d/kubernetes.repo by setting “enabled=0” so that OS updates do not push Kubernetes update as we want to control that.

After doing that let’s update the OS packages. But first let’s remove docker we not use containerd

# We are using containerd now
tdnf remove docker*

# OS Updates
tdnf --refresh update

Before we reboot there are a few tried and true settings we’ll want to update.

In /etc/sysctl.d/90-kubernetes.conf

# These are required for it to work properly
net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables = 1
net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables = 1
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1

# This helps an issue later on when we get into running promtail
fs.inotify.max_user_instances = 256

In /etc/modules-load.d/20-kubernetes.conf
# Required to allow the basic networking to work

In /etc/security/limits.conf
# Bump up the default of 1024 max open files per process to 10000
*		hard	nofile		10000

In /etc/containerd/config.toml
version = 2
          runtime_type = "io.containerd.runc.v2"
            SystemdCgroup = true

In /etc/crictl.yaml

runtime-endpoint: "unix:///run/containerd/containerd.sock"
image-endpoint: "unix:///run/containerd/containerd.sock"
timeout: 0
debug: false
pull-image-on-create: false
disable-pull-on-run: false

In /etc/hosts
# Change the localhost binding to the IP of the VM
# Without this kubectl get node - won't show ready

The config.tomly should look like this.

Now we reboot!

Initialize The Cluster

For this we will run the following with –pod-network-cidr. This is the default for flannel which we’ll use for ease.

# Allow kubelet to start when kubeadm init allows it
systemctl enable kubelet.service

# Initialize - this may take a while as the pods are pulled down
kubeadm init --pod-network-cidr=

This will take 5-10 minutes, maybe longer depending on your internet connection. When you come back with any luck you’ll see success!!!

follow the steps listed.

mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config
chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config

# Check to see if pods are up!
root@KUBELAB [ ~ ]# kubectl get pods -A
NAMESPACE     NAME                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kube-system   coredns-565d847f94-6gmrp          0/1     Pending   0          2m31s
kube-system   coredns-565d847f94-wrvqk          0/1     Pending   0          2m31s
kube-system   etcd-kubelab                      1/1     Running   0          2m46s
kube-system   kube-apiserver-kubelab            1/1     Running   0          2m44s
kube-system   kube-controller-manager-kubelab   1/1     Running   0          2m46s
kube-system   kube-proxy-g9kpj                  1/1     Running   0          2m31s
kube-system   kube-scheduler-kubelab            1/1     Running   0          2m44s

Almost there

The cluster(single node) is up but we still need networking which we’ll use Flannel and to remove a taint to allow scheduling on the control plane since this will be a single node lab with control plane and worker nodes on the same VM.

# Reference https://github.com/flannel-io/flannel

# Apply the flannel network overlay
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/flannel-io/flannel/releases/latest/download/kube-flannel.yml

# Remove the taint - the minus removes it
kubectl taint nodes kubelab node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane:NoSchedule-


By running kubectl get pods -A and kubectl get nodes – we can see pods are running and the node is “Ready”

Spinning Up Kubernetes Easily with kubeadm init!


Some time ago when I was just learning Kubernetes, I wrote a series of articles that started with Intro To Kubernetes. This was on an earlier version (1.14) where many of these manual steps worked. Spinning up a new instance on 1.17, these steps really did not hold up and the cluster was not fully functional. I decided to give kubeadm init a try and it made my life infinitely easier.

Google does have a great install guide here that attempts to work for various operating systems but this article is specific to PhotonOS. Here is Google’s guide – https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/production-environment/tools/kubeadm/install-kubeadm/


Many of the provisioning steps in Intro To Kubernetes are similar, if not the same. Instead of manually starting services on hardware though, kubeadm spins up a bit of it as pods which saves time.

For this lab we need a VM we will name kcp1 (Kubernetes Control Plane 1). Since most of the master/slave terminology is going by the wayside to be more sensitive to what it represented in the past, what was previously referred to as master is now a control plane. The nodes were almost always referred to as worker nodes so it makes sense.

kcp1 needs 2GB of RAM and 2 cores/vCPUs. kwn1 can get away with 1GB RAM and 1 core. For storage, since this is a test lab, 8GB is more than sufficient. For the OS, I still am using VMware Photon OS version 3. I choose the ISO and its a quick install – https://vmware.github.io/photon/. PhotonOS was chosen because it is highly optimized for being a VM and minimized to be a very light weight OS to run docker containers. These traits make it perfect for running Kubernetes.

Installing Packages

For this we will need the kubernetes and kubernetes-kubeadm packages installed. It also requires iptables and docker but that comes installed even on the minimal install.

tdnf install docker kubernetes kubernetes-kubeadm
tdnf install docker kubernetes kubernetes-kubeadm

Install and we’re off to the races! We’ll need this on kcp1 and kwn1.

Firewall Rules

In order for key parts of it to work, we’ll need to open a few firewall rules. This is done by editing /etc/systemd/scripts/ip4save and adding a few lines and then restarting iptables.

kcp1 needs the following line. This is for the API calls which must of the cluster makes to the control plane nodes.

-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 6443 -j ACCEPT

kcp1 & kwn1 need the following. The first two are for Flannel’s Pod Network overlay. The last one is for the Kubelet service which runs on all nodes. Google provides a listing here of all ports but with Photon this is all we need – https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/production-environment/tools/kubeadm/install-kubeadm/

-A INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 8285 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 8472 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 10250 -j ACCEPT

It should look something like this afterwards


Then a simple restart to make the rules take effect.

systemctl restart iptables

kubeadm init Magic!

The magic here is kubeadm init. We need to use something like flannel for the pod network overlay. We don’t get into that in this article but if we don’t pass the right flags for that into kubeadm init, it won’t work. Per flannel

This needs to first be run on the control plane node.

kubeadm init --pod-network-cidr=

On our first run we get some errors about docker not running. We need to enable and start it!

systemctl enable docker
systemctl start docker

Giving kubeadm init another run and its off! It may appear to hang for a minute and then spew out lines of actions its performing.

It will then tell you some next steps. It may seem like a lot.

Your Kubernetes control-plane has initialized successfully!

To start using your cluster, you need to run the following as a regular user:

  mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
  sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config
  sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config

You should now deploy a pod network to the cluster.
Run "kubectl apply -f [podnetwork].yaml" with one of the options listed at:

Then you can join any number of worker nodes by running the following on each as root:

kubeadm join --token xspmbf.kko3d24t74rpaeyo \
    --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:483e0e6ef33580b2c8f1e61210e3f50d8163dc6312b5d89940e38236cd2f04b6 

For the most part these are copy and paste. The first three lines literally are so we’ll do that so we can use kubectl.

Minimal Configuration

One of the big remaining steps is to deploy a pod network, usually an overlay. As we mentioned earlier, I prefer flannel and it usually just works.

This just needs to be done via kubectl once. It instantiates a DaemonSet which essentially pushes this out to every node that attaches to the cluster.

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/coreos/flannel/master/Documentation/kube-flannel.yml

Over on kwn1 we can run the join command it listed. It will take a little bit of time and then be done. Once done it recommends doing a “kubectl get nodes”.

root@kcp1 [ ~ ]# kubectl get nodes
kcp1 Ready master 6m35s v1.17.11
kwn1 Ready 32s v1.17.11


You can also check all the running pods to see the health. All is well and pretty turn key.

kubectl get pods -A
kubectl get pods -A

Final Thoughts

We have a working cluster that was fairly turn key and much easier than my earlier attempts. If you are fairly new to Kubernetes I would recommend deploying the dashboard which I outline Kubernetes Dashboard. This is mostly correct except that the version 2.0 is no longer beta and has a final release that works pretty well now.